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Q & A


What are the services provided by BackStage Handling and Training?

The handling, training, grooming, conditioning, and boarding of show dogs in ABKC conformation events by Jamie Lower, assistants, and associates.

How does a dog become a Champion?Dogs in competition at conformation shows are competing for points toward their ABKC championships. It takes one hundred and fifty points, including three majors awarded by  three different judges, to become an American Bully Kennel Club "Champion of Record."

The number of championship points awarded at a show depends on the number 3 of more champions of the breed actually in competition. The larger the entry, males and females champion class is split for competition. 

What is a Grand Champion?

A dog must be (1) a Champion of Record or (2) have been transferred to GRCH competition based upon the owners’ records of their having completed the requirements for a CH title to be eligible for Grand Championship (GRCH) competition.

The American Bully Kennel Club requires a dog to obtain a total of 5 champion wins with competition of 3 or more champions to become a Grand Champion. The wins must be won under three different judges.

Do you campaign Specials?

Yes, we have campaigned multiple top winning Specials over the years.

What is conditioning?

Exercise and proper nutrition are critical for success. Every dog is exercised daily and fed accordingly to size and need. Dogs are brushed daily and appropriate products are added to the coat for health and moisture. If banding or wrapping is required, it is done daily or as needed. Ears, teeth, and nails, are done weekly or as needed. Dogs are bathed according to breed specifications.

What food do you feed?

We exclusively use Victor products. If a dog is on a special diet, it is provided to us by the owner with detailed instructions.

Where do dogs live while with Jamie?

We are located on 1/2 acre  in Battle Creek Michigan,south of Lansing. They reside indoors with dog kennels with multiple outdoors fenced areas for exercise. All dogs are rotated to ensure that each gets house time.

What happens if my dog becomes ill?

If veterinary care is deemed to be appropriate, at the sole discretion of Jamie Lower, such care shall be sought immediately and all charges will be the responsibility of the owner. Further, it is agreed that Jamie Lower is expressly granted permission to consent to any procedures, whether medical or surgical, that are deemed necessary for the health and well being of the dog.

What does the owner need to provide at drop off?

Owners need to provide records of current vaccinations for each dog. This should include any and all conditions and requirements of the dog. A deposit of $500. And a signed Services Agreement, a signed Rate Form and completed Intake Form that can be downloaded from the website.

What about heartworm and flea prevention?

All prophylactic treatments such as heartworm preventative and flea and tick preventative shall be furnished by the owner. If prophylactic treatments are not furnished by the owner, then permission is granted for Jamie Lower to procure same and owner agrees to reimburse Jamie Lower when presented with an invoice.

How are travel expenses determined?

Expenses are prorated amongst the total number of dogs traveling with Jamie Lower.

How is priority established if there is a ring conflict?

Class dogs will be shown for winners by Jamie Lower according to the client’s priority with the handler. Specials, and dogs that are contracted to travel with her, will take preference over class dogs and ring side pick-ups. If a combination of class dogs and/or specials is required to be in the ring at the same time, it is agreed that Jamie Lower will handle the dog with the highest priority and other qualified individuals as necessary will handle the remaining dogs.

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